(Cucurbita moschata)
Well-established, very popular butternut variety in South Africa and in the USA. It is a cross-breeding of »New Hampshire Butternut«and an African variety. Waltham Butternut was introduced in America in 1970 and was awarded the "All America Selections Winner" prize in the same year.
Fruits: longish pear; Size (D1/D2 x L): 8 - 12/10 - 14 cm x 15 - 30 cm; Flesh: orange; firm, sweet, aromatic, nutty flavour;
Vine behaviour: Semibush
Usage-Recommendation: Steam, Salad/Dip
Storage time: ++++
Weight: 1.4 kg - 1.9 kg
Maturity: 100 days
KCB-Recommendation: C