(Cucurbita maxima)
Recordpumpkin from Mister Dill. In the Year 2007 a Dills Giant Squash weighed an unbelievable 1689 lbs (767 kg); at that time this was the overall worldrecord. Today the swiss breeder Beni Meyer has got the Worldrecord with a variation of the Dills Giant Squash with 1054 Kg. Watch our slection of Riesenkürbisse, (giant squashes) and Rekordkürbisse (record squashes).
Fruits: rounded, elongate, flattened, light orange; Size (D): 50 cm and much more; Flesh: orange, thick;
Vine behaviour: Large vine
Usage-Recommendation: Soup, Decoration
Storage time: +++
Weight: 50.0 kg - 250.0 kg
Maturity: 130 days
KCB-Recommendation: C